W hen you have something of value to share with consumers, that lead magnet can attract new customers and form long-term and profitable relationships.
This is Andrea TheoJohn’s swim lane. She specializes in marketing, branding and business tips as the host of The ADS Agency YouTube channel, which helps brands figure out how to move through this world.
Lead magnets are integral to TheoJohn’s business, ensuring a steady stream of new and returning customers, which she described to executive business coach Nathalie Gregg in a #LeadLoudly Twitter chat.
Specifically, TheoJohn uses lead magnets to connect, convert and grow her email list.
“That’s just one way we help brands figure out how to move through the world,” she said.
In brief, lead magnets are items of value that you offer to potential customers in exchange for their contact information.
“A lead magnet is a magnet for the leads you want,” TheoJohn said. “It comes in many forms: a one-page checklist, an e-book, videos. In its greatest form, the magnet has such high value that your target would actually pay for it — but you’re giving it to them in exchange for their email.”
She has a collection of some of her favorite ADS lead magnets.
Lead magnets are small investments for potentially big rewards if they generate new clients.
“Every brand should be in the business of building relationships,” TheoJohn said. “The best business relationships are built on value.
“I’m a part of your world because you truly help me,” she said. “The best lead magnets help people solve a quick but important problem.”
The upshot, as Gregg added, is that “a lead magnet promotes your business and brand while generating leads.”
Magnets can also be used to gather information and research possible customers.
“Having your own market research tool is another great win for lead magnets,” TheoJohn said.
A good lead magnet is something you do best. Tie it to consumers’ pain points. Then you have to promote it so people know it’s there for them.
TheoJohn has a three-step lead-magnet strategy:
“It doesn’t have to cost a lot of money to create a lead magnet,” TheoJohn said. “Use what you’ve got. It’s just gotta do the job of helping your dream customers with a problem they care about right now.”
A lead magnet might be as simple — yet detailed — as a PDF. It tells why you are unique and especially suited to meet people’s needs. It’s valuable to them.
“Key point: valuable,” TheoJohn said. “It’s gotta be good, and it’s gotta be helpful to your target. That’s the recipe for a great lead magnet.”
Research is the only way to know potential customers’ pain points.
“Google around,” TheoJohn said. “See what your target can find out there. If the content gap exists and you know they’re searching for it, make it. Then make a big deal out of it. Work it into your strategy for the year to push to your target.”
A mini video series can also serve as a powerful lead magnet. People like behind-the-scenes videos. A brief production or series might be all you need to gain lots of good attention.
TheoJohn has her own three-step process for videos:
Using quizzes also increases social engagement while building your email list. People like quizzes, especially if they have a decent chance to guess right. Offering prizes is one way to get their contact information.
“People love quizzes because they’re interactive — and can be fun,” TheoJohn said. “Make the quiz topic attractive to your target, the questions interesting. Make your quiz results positive, neat and about the people.
“Make the call to action of the quiz to join your email list,” she said. “That means they have to give you their email to see their very cool results.”
Ultimately, do not waste time and resources making endless tweaks to magnets.
“Done’s better than perfect,” TheoJohn said. “What feels stinky to you can be exactly what your dream customer needs. Ya never know — or sometimes you do. It’s not like you need copious amounts of lead magnets. If you’ve got one that produces the results you want, that’s perfect.”
Jim Katzaman is a manager at Largo Financial Services and worked in public affairs for the Air Force and federal government. You can connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
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